Remember Our Gang? These pictures are great -- in case you forgot who is who.

Remember Our Gang?

What ever happened to those people?

Well, here  it is...........sad...........!


Alfalfa  --

Carl  Switzer was shot to death at age 31.

Chubby  --

300-pound Norman Chaney  died at age 22 following an operation.

Buckwheat  --

William Thomas died at  age 49 of a heart attack.

Darla Hood  --

The Our Gang leading  lady contracted hepatitis and died at age 47.

Brisbane !  --

Kendall McCormas, known  as Breezy Brisbane, committed suicide at age 64.

Froggy -- William Robert  Laughline was killed in a motor scooter accident at age  16.

Mickey Daniels  --


He died of liver disease  at 55.

Stymie  --

Mathew Bear led a life  of crime and drugs. He died of a stroke at age 56.

Scotty Beckett  --

He died at age 38  following a brutal beating.

Wheezer --


Robert Hutchins was  killed in an airplane accident at age 19.

Pete the Pup  --

He was poisoned by an  unknown assailant.

Butch  --

Currently lives in California .

and  Spanky.......

Robert Blake was accused of murdering his wife
I did not know that was Robert Blake!

did any of you?... Wow..

Below you will find a speech that Bill Cosby's wife
gave at a function. Everyone please read this and inform this to as many

African Americans

you come in contact

Camille Cosby just made a reference about the Voting
Rights Act in her most recent open letter on racism.
This is extremely important.

We are quickly approaching the 21st Century and we
were wondering, and when I say 'we', I mean others of
us out there who wonder if everyone else out there
knows what the significance of the year 2007 is to
Black America?

Did you know that our right to VOTE will expire in the
2007? Seriously! The Voters Rights Act signed in 1965
by Lyndon B. Johnson was just an ACT. It was not made
a law.

In 1982, Ronald
Reagan amended the Voters Rights Act for another 25
years. Which means that in the year 2007 we could lose
the Right to vote!

Does anyone realize that African Americans are the
only group of people who require PERMISSION under the
United States Constitution to vote! In the year 2007,
Congress will once again convene to decide whether or
not Blacks should retain the rights to vote (crazy but

In order for this to be passed, 38 states will have to
approve an extension. This is ludicrous! Not only
should the extension be approved, but also the ACT
must be made a law. Our right to vote should no longer
be up for discussion, review and/or evaluation.

We must contact our Congress-persons, Senators,
Alderpersons, etc., to put a stop to this! As bona
fide Citizens of the United States, we cannot "drop
the ball" on this one! We have come too far to let
government make us take such a huge step backward. So
please, let us push forward to continue to build
the momentum towards gaining equality.

Please let everyone in on this, as we are sure that many
more individuals are not aware of this. I urge all of
you that are able, to contact those in government that
have your vote and make them aware of our combined
concern for this issue.

One voice!...... One Vote! You cannot complain, if you
do not participate.....local, State, & national..

When I received this one I had no choice but to inform you.
Please do the same to others!

Dear GOD:
I want to thank You for what you have already done. I am not going to wait until I see results or receive rewards; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until I feel better or things look better; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until people say they are sorry or until they stop talking about me; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the pain in my body disappears ; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until my financial situation improves; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until the children are asleep and the house is quiet; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I get promoted at work or until I get the job; I am going to thank you right now. I am not going to wait until I understand every experience in my life that has caused me pain or grief; I am thanking you right now. I am not going to wait until the journey gets easier or the challenges are removed; I am thanking you right now. I am thanking you because I am alive. I am thanking you because I made it through the day's difficulties. I am thanking you because I have walked around the obstacles.
I am thanking you because I have the ability a nd the opportunity to do more
and do better.

I'm thanking you because FATHER, YOU haven't given up on me.

God is just so good, and he's good all the time.

  Never hurts to read it  again.

Subject: Psalm 23

   "You'll Never Walk Alone"

This is an eye opener; some probably never thought nor looked at this Psalm in this way, even though they say it over and over again.

The Lord is my Shepherd
That's  Relationship!

I shall not want
That's Supply!

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures
That's Rest!

He leadeth me beside the still waters
That's Refreshment!

He restoreth my soul
That's Healing!

He leadeth me in the paths of  righteousness
That's Guidance!

For His name sake
That's  Purpose!

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of  death
That's Testing!

I will fear no  evil
That's Protection!

For Thou art with me
That's  Faithfulness!

Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me
That's  Discipline!

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies
That's Hope!

Thou annointest my head with oil
That's Consecration!

My cup runneth over
That's  Abundance!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my  life
That's Blessing!

And I will dwell in the house of the  Lord
That's Security!

That's Eternity!

Face  it, the Lord is crazy about you. Send this to the people you are crazy  about.

I thought this was pretty special, just like YOU !!!
What  is most valuable, is not what we have in our lives, but WHO we have in our  lives!

I guarantee you will remember this tale of the "Wooden Bowl"

tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, a year from now...

The Wooden Bowl

A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and

four-year old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his

eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered.

The family ate together at the table. But the elderly

grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating

difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he

grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth.

The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. "We

must do something about father," said the son. "I've had enough

of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor."

So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There,

Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed

dinner. Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food

was served in a wooden bowl!

When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometime he

had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words

the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a

fork or spilled food.

The four-year-old watched it all in silence.

One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing

with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly,

"What are you making?" Just as sweetly, the boy responded, "Oh,

I am making a little bowl for you and Mama to eat your food in

when I grow up." The four-year-old smiled and went back to


The young boy's words struck the parents so that they were

speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks.

Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.

That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led

him back to the family table. For the remainder of his days he

ate every meal with the family. For some reason, neither

husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was

dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.

Oh, the innocent wisdom of a childâ??

On a positive note:

I've learned that, no matter what happens, how bad it seems

today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow.

I've learned that you can tell a lot about a person by the way

he or she handles four things:

a rainy day, the elderly, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas

tree lights.

I've learned that, regardless of our relationship with our

parents, we'll miss them when they're gone from our lives.

I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as

"making a life."

I've learned that life sometimes gives us a second chance.

I've learned that we shouldn't go through life with a catcher's

mitt on both hands. We need to be able to throw something back.

I've learned that if we pursue happiness, it will elude us.

But, if we focus on our family, our friends, the needs of

others, our work and doing the very best we can, happiness will

find us.

I've learned that whenever I decide something with an open

heart, I usually make the right decision.

I've learned that even when I have pains, I don't have to be


I've learned that every day, we should reach out and touch

someone. People love that human touch -- holding hands, a warm

hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.

I've learned that I still have a lot to learn!

A minister passing through his church
in the middle of the day,
Decided to pause by the altar

and see who had come to pray.
Just then the back door opened,
a man came down the aisle,

The minister frowned as he saw
the man hadn't

shaved in a while.
His shirt was kind a shabby
and his coat was worn and frayed,
the man knelt, he bowed his head,
Then rose and walked away.
In the days that followed,
each noon time came this chap,
each time he knelt just for a moment,
A lunch pail in his lap.
Well, the minister's suspicions grew,
with robbery a main fear,

He decided to stop the man and ask him,
"What are you doing here?"
The old man said, he worked down the road.

Lunch was half an hour.
Lunchtime was his prayer time,

For finding strength and power.
"I stay only moments, see,
because the factory is so far away;
as I kneel here talking to the Lord,
This is kind a what I say:


The minister feeling foolish, told Jim, that was fine.
He told the man he was welcome
To come and pray just anytime.
Time to go, Jim smiled, said "Thanks."
He hurried to the door.
The minister knelt at the altar,
he'd never done it before.
His cold heart melted, warmed with love,
and met with Jesus there.
As the tears flowed, in his heart,
he repeated old Jim's prayer:



Past noon one day, the minister noticed
that old Jim hadn't come.
As more days passed without Jim,
he began to worry some.
At the factory, he asked about him,
learning he was ill.
The hospital staff was worried,
But he'd given them a thrill.
The week that Jim was with them,
Brought changes in the ward.
His smiles, a joy contagious.
Changed people, were his reward.
The head nurse couldn't understand
why Jim was so glad,
when no flowers, calls or cards came,
Not a visitor he had.
The minister stayed by his bed,
He voiced the nurse's concern:

No friends came to show they cared.
He had nowhere to turn.
Looking surprised, old Jim spoke

up and with a winsome smile;
"the nurse is wrong, she couldn't know,
that in here all the while
everyday at noon He's here,
a dear friend of mine, you see,
He sits right down, takes my hand,
Leans over and says to me:


If this blesses you, pass it on
Manypeople will walk in and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave
footprints in your heart.
May God hold you in the palm of His hand

and Angels watch over you.
But for those of us who are already His, He not
only holds us in the palm of His hand, but has
engraved our names there, and we are continually
in His sight (Isaiah 49:16)

So this is me ... Just Checking In


There is a factory in Northern Minnesota which makes the Tickle Me Elmo toys.  The toy laughs when you tickle it under the arms.

Well, Lena is hired at The Tickle Me Elmo factory and she reports for her first day promptly at 8:00 AM.  The next day at 8:45 AM there is a knock at the Personnel Manager's
door.  The Foreman throws open the door and begins to rant about the new employee.  He complains that she is incredibly slow and the whole line is backing up, putting the entire production line behind schedule.

The Personnel Manager decides he should see this for himself, so the 2 men march down to the factory floor.

When they get there the line is so backed up that there are Tickle Me Elmo's all over the factory floor and they're really beginning to pile up.  At the end of the line stands Lena surrounded by mountains of Tickle Me Elmo's.  She has a roll of plush red fabric and a huge bag of small marbles.  The 2 men watch in amazement as she cuts a little piece of
fabric, wraps it around two marbles and begins to carefully sew the little package between Elmo's legs.

The Personnel Manager bursts into laughter.  After several minutes of hysterics he pulls himself together and approaches Lena.

"I'm sorry," he says to her, barely able to keep a straight face, "but I think you misunderstood the instructions I gave you yesterday.  "Your job is to give Elmo two test tickles."

There was a little old lady who was very spiritual who would step out on her porch every day, raise her arms to the sky and yell "Praise the Lord."

One day, an atheist bought the house next door to her, and he became very irritated with the spiritual lady. So after a month or so of her yelling, "Praise the Lord" from her porch, he went outside on his porch and yelled back, "There is no Lord." Yet, the little old lady continued.

One cold, wintry day, when the little old lady couldn't get to the store, she went out on her porch, raised her hands up to the sky and said, "Help me Lord, I have no more money, it's cold, and I have no more food." The next morning, she went outside, and there were three bags of food on the porch, enough to last her a week.

The Atheist stepped out from the bushes and said "There is no Lord! Ha- ha- ha! I bought those groceries!"

"Praise the Lord," she yelled. Lord, you sent me groceries and you made the Devil pay for it!!!!

God is sitting in Heaven when a scientist says to Him, "Lord, we don't need you anymore. Science has finally figured out a way to create life out of nothing.

In other words, we can now do what you did in the 'beginning'."

GOD and the Scientist

"Oh, is that so? Tell me..." replies God.

"Well, says the scientist, "we can take dirt and form it into the likeness of you and breathe life into it, thus creating man."

"Well, that's interesting. Show Me."

So the scientist bends down to the earth and starts to mold the soil.

"Oh no, no, no..." interrupts God, "Get your own dirt."

Baked Beans

One day I met a sweet gentleman and fell in love.

When it became apparent that we would marry, I made the supreme sacrifice and gave up beans. Some months later, on my birthday, my car broke down on the way home from work. Since I lived in the countryside I called my husband and told him that I would be late because I had to walk home.

On my way, I passed by a small diner and the smell of baked beans was more than I could stand. With miles to walk, I figured that I would walk off any ill effects by the time I reached home, so I stopped at the diner and before I knew it, I had consumed three large orders of baked beans.

All the way home, I made sure that I released all the gas. Upon my arrival, my husband seemed excited to see me and exclaimed delightedly: "Darling I have a surprise for dinner tonight."

He then blindfolded me and led me to my chair at the dinner table. I took a seat and just as he was about to remove my blindfold, the telephone rang. He made me promise not to touch the blindfold until he returned and went to answer the call.

The baked beans I had consumed were still affecting me and the pressure was becoming most unbearable, so while my husband was out of the room I seized the opportunity, shifted my weight to one leg and let one go. It was not only loud, but it smelled like a fertilizer truck running over a skunk in front of a pulpwood mill. I took my napkin from my lap and fanned the air around me vigorously. Then, shifting to the other cheek, I ripped off three more. The stink was worse than cooked cabbage.

Keeping my ears carefully tuned to the conversation in the other room, I went on like this for another few minutes. The pleasure was indescribable. When eventually the telephone farewells signaled the end of my freedom, I quickly fanned the air a few more times with my napkin, placed it on my lap and folded my hands back on it feeling very relieved and pleased with myself.

My face must have been the picture of innocence when my husband returned, apologizing for taking so long. He asked me if I had peeked through the blindfold, and I assured him I had not. At this point, he removed the blindfold, and twelve dinner guests seated around the table chorused: "Happy Birthday!"

I fainted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cars in Heaven

Walking up to Heaven's gates, Sam sees a sign that says, "If you have led a good life, you will be given a car upon entering Heaven. However, the quality of your vehicle depends on how faithful you were to your spouse."

Sam smiles, knowing that he had never once cheated on his wife, and thought that he would get the best car in heaven. At the gates, St. Peter hands him his keys and points him toward his new car, a shiny Cadillac. Sam gets into his car and starts driving around, where he sees an old friend, Bob, standing on the sidewalk, beside a VW Beetle.

He stops his car and talks to Bob who yells, "Sam! I see that you were faithful nice car!"

Sam smiled and said 'Thanks," and continued on to check out the rest of Heaven. A few weeks later, Bob is driving down the street and sees Sam sitting in his Cadillac on the side of the road. Sam has his face buried in his hands and is crying hysterically.

"Sam, what's wrong?" asks Bob.

"I just saw my wife," said Sam. "She was on a skateboard!"


A father watched his young daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as he reflected on how sweet and pure his little girl was. Tears formed in his eyes as he thought about her seeing the wonders of nature through such innocent eyes.
Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her to see what work of God had captured her attention.
He noticed she was looking at two spiders mating.
"Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?" she asked
"They're mating," her father replied
"What do you call the spider on top?" she asked.
"That's a Daddy Longlegs," her father answered.
"So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?" the little girl asked.
As his heart soared with the joy of such a cute and innocent question he replied, "No dear. Both of them are Daddy Longlegs."
The little girl, looking a little puzzled, thought for a moment.........then took her foot and stomped them flat and said,
"Well, we're not having any of that gay shit in our garden."

Miss Beatrice, the church organist, was in her eighties. She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all.  One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room.  She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea.

As he sat facing her old Hammond organ, the young minister noticed a cut-glass bowl sitting on top of it.  The bowl was filled with water, and in the water floated, of all things, a condom!  When she returned with tea and scones, they began to chat.

The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him.  And He could no longer resist. "Miss Beatrice", he said, "I wonder if you would tell me about this?" pointing to the bowl.

"Oh, yes," she replied, "Isn't it wonderful?  I was walking through the park a few months ago and I found this little package on the ground.  The directions
said to place it on the organ, keep it wet and that it would prevent the spread of disease.  Do you know I haven't had the flu all winter?


Stay tuned, more coming soon!


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